Monday, May 24, 2010

Can Submit Edge do what it says?

Since I starting blogging on Threadbeaur, one of my goals has been to increase the number of readers I have.  Recently, I have really wanted to get more followers on my blog.  I love to see who is following me, and then I can check out their blogs too.   This is a goal of many bloggers out there.  Getting more people to visit your site, read your articles, click on your links.  I am right?  
There are other websites out there that claim they can improve your stats.  Can they deliver on this?  You can search all over this great internet to find ways to increase traffic throughout your site.  Some are easy, some require lots of time.  All require you to consistently post to your blog.  After all, nobody wants to come to your blog if you don't have anything new to look at.  New interesting content is key to any blog.  I am really one to think that a good picture is key, too.  You can spend days, months, or years building links between you and your internet friends, this is all well and good, but you want to be on google, bing, or whatever search engine you prefer.  It is time to get some help.  Enter Submit Edge.  They claim to do just that.  They will submit your blog to many different directories and boost your websites traffic.  Sweet, right, just what we wanted.  What if you are just a small blog?  They offer many different packages based on your budget and how far you want to spread the word of your blog.  From 100 to 5000 directory submissions, there is bound to be one that is right for you and your page.  I have not found another page quite like this one.  I think it might be good, because even if your webpage is just beginning and your budget is smaller than a grain of rice, you will still be able to get your name out.  Instead of spending all your time trying to link to other pages, this is a link building service that can save you time, and time is money, as they say.  
You may only be concerned with people coming to read your blog occasionally, or you may want to have the Google Page rank of #1.  I think with the help of Submit Edge you could take your blog to a new level.   Certainly, you will be able to get climb the search engine ladder, and perhaps, reach that goal of yours!  Increasing your traffic is a difficult task, but with the help your blog may be the next big thing.

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