Monday, March 29, 2010

Gardening for all seasons

In Florida we have wonderful gardening seasons... all year!  This spring I am working on putting together  a Square Foot Garden.  I got the book from Amazon and when it arrived I read it from cover to cover.  After reading it I was totally  motivated to get going on my garden.  First, though I had to gather the materials.  Anyone that has a SFG knows that Mel's Mix is not exactly cheap.  So I tried to save a few bucks by finding recycled wood from my Square Foot Garden beds.  While I have not completely finished this task, I am making good progress.  The first place I looked was a local construction site.  I got a few pieces after I spoke with the foreman on site.  I will have to check back in a few days, and hopefully they will be further along, with more scraps.  They were just going to throw them away, and now I can use them for my garden (recycling).  Another way to save money while putting together your square foot garden is to have your own compost pile.  This book was just the motivation I needed to get my compost pile producing great soil for my veggies!  I would love to hear about others experience with composting, and square foot gardens!  Successes and failures I would love to hear your stories of growing veggies.

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